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44,000 Breast Cancer Screening Mammograms Conducted in Istanbul in 9 Months

The clinic world > 44,000 Breast Cancer Screening Mammograms Conducted in Istanbul in 9 Months
44,000 Breast Cancer Screening Mammograms Conducted in Istanbul in 9 Months

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Emre Güner emphasized the importance of preventative health measures during his speech at the "Breast Cancer Awareness Symposium" held at Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital. He stated that protecting health before losing it is vital.

Güner revealed that in the first nine months of this year, 44,000 screening mammograms have been conducted in Istanbul, confirming that screening mammograms are our strongest weapon against breast cancer.

He described various cancer screening initiatives in Istanbul, noting that there are 14 early detection centers. Utilizing mammograms at these centers, they have identified 4,000 at-risk women and, independently from the MHRS system, assigned consultants to plan their appointments, examinations, and surgeries. Currently, 373 women have been diagnosed and treated through screening programs without initial breast complaints.

"Early Detection Saves Lives"

Güner explained that the establishment of healthy life centers is essential for cancer early detection programs, with breast cancer being a key focus. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing women's health, stating that "we want to ensure that no woman remains without a single mammogram." He reiterated their commitment to increasing these numbers and acknowledged their success in treatment services, asserting that early detection saves lives.

Source: AA